Dr. Fauci Flip Flops the Facts,
Causing Fear on Television
That Has Many State Governments
Here’s a journal from the head of the covid task force, immunologist Dr Fauci at The New England Journal of Medicine. He admits that covid19 is not that devastating, yet he flip flops on TV and says it is devastating. Read the whole article or read this excerpt from the article which is on the first page of the link below…
Dr Fauci writes, 'This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively'.2
New England Medical Journal Covid19 Anthony Fauci
Last year 10 million people, worldwide, were diagnosed with tuberculosis, while 1.5 million died of it.
2018 Tuberculosis Worldwide Data = OPEN BORDERS, No Vetting
Last year in the U.S. alone and according to the CDC statistical data, the flu killed between 24,000 to 63,000 people, and of course the same flu killed even more people worldwide.
October 1st, 2019 - March 28th, 2020 CDC Influenza Statistical Data
Covid Death Statistics
from the Center of Disease Control
U.S. CV19 Death Statistics:
1st - April 18th from the Center for Disease Control for:
Covid, Pneumonia, Influenza,
and Death Tolls for any
other disease related deaths like cancer, heart attack, things like that.
Click on the link and scroll
down to Table 1.
So far 23,000 Covid deaths
in the U.S. since Feb 1st. to April 18
So far 53,000 deaths from
pneumonia since Feb 1st. to April 18
So far 5,300 deaths from
influenza since Feb 1st. to April 18
So far 644,000 for all other
deaths since Feb 1st . to April 18
Center for Disease Control Death Statistics February to April for Pneumonia, Covid19, Influenza
World Health Organizations Unethical
Covid Death Certificate Protocol
The World Health
organizations protocol for the cause of death during the covid19 is as follows,
which is unethical to say the least.
Doctors are being told to
ASSUME the death was caused from covid or if covid is a CONTRIBUTING FACTOR to
the death, for example a heart attack, then the heart attack is not recorded as
the immediate cause of death, covid is recorded as the immediate cause of
death, which is unethical, destructive, false and not standard practice.
The link below takes you to
the W.H.O. PDF on page 3 under sec 3.
view of COVID-19 it is important to record and report deaths due to COVID-19 in
a uniform way.
COVID - 19 should be recorded on the medical certificate of cause of death for ALL decedents where the disease caused, or is assumed to have caused, or contributed to death.
World Health Organization Covid Death Certificate Protocol
How Did Dr. Fauci Know
There Would Be A Surprise Pandemic During The Trump Administration?
How did Dr. Fauci know there would be a surprise outbreak during the Trump administration? Because Fauci, Gates, W.H.O., and who knows who else made it happen in a lab for political gain and money.
Doctors office gets raided
by the FBI
for using vitamin C injections to help covid patients.
Washington Times
The Washington Slimes
reports TRUTH about bio-warfare from China? January 2020.
Bill Gates and W.H.O.
Know About the Plan-demic
Two Months Before the Plan-demic
Here's more alarming proof...
Event 201, this quarantine exercise event happened on OCTOBER 18, 2019, two months before the Wuhan outbreak. The link shows proof that Bill Gates knew about Wuhan and said nothing because Event 201 was a quarantine exercise to begin the process of bringing in the new world order and a one world currency because cash can carry contagions and if you are contagious as Kate Brown deems, then you are a murderer. This pandemic is bio-warfare to begin bringing in the mark of the beast, bible prophecy. Even Bernie Sanders gets it, that this is the coming of the mark of the beast with the picture he drew the day he dropped out of the presidential race.
CDC Knows One Month Ahead Of Time
About Pandemic Before It Happens
November 2019 CDC Quarantine Program Directors Hiring Process
Presidential Covid Task Force
Deborah Birx Admits To
Falsifying Death Certificates
Covid taskforce Deborah Birx admits
death certificates are being labeled covid19
no matter what the cause of death was.
Unethical, shameful and destructive.
Paramedics Are Outraged!!!
NY issues do-not-resuscitate guideline
for cardiac patients amid coronavirus
since saving lives means so much?
Paramedics are outraged!
Paramedics Outraged Over Not Being Allowed To Save Lives
NEW YORK Hospitals Are
Purposefully Killing People
With Hard Pressure Ventilators
CNN admits the covid death rate has been massively overestimated according to Standford university, yet they continue with the lie. They speak the truth once, and speak the lie everyday.
These two California doctors
say the shut down is more destructive than CV19.
Nancy Pelosi admits to falsehood/smear campaigns made by her and her counterparts. Nasty Pooplowsee tells the truth about her lie tactics and how they use the media to repeat the lies. But then they sometimes say the truth only one time… not like their 1000 time lie(s), like CNN has about the death rates, but nobody here’s the truth, since they’ve been force fed the lie so many times.
Here we have proof from the mouths of two doctors and one nurse that death certificates are being falsely labeled as covid19 deaths as stated above in the W.H.O. protocol covid death certificates.
Go to the 00:02:00 minute
mark to see that death certificates are being made false due to covid19. This is
unethical. The doctor tells the channel 4 news broadcaster that the reason the
certificates are false is to create fear and mind control of the masses. Watch
the rest of the video to see that California is letting people out of prison,
yet people on certain Hawaiian beaches are fined $1000 or 1 year in jail if
they sit on a beach, or lay a towel or umbrella on a beach or sit and read a book on the beach. Does this sound
reasonable to you for a virus that’s the same as a severe flu?
If the video sound is low, maximize the video screen and turn it up, then you can minimize the screen. Do the same with the videos below
Here's more from another source on the false death certificates.
Violating the Hippocratic oath due to covid, well isn’t that special.
Brought to you by
Oregon Governor
Kate Brown
Will our current situation be the new world order protocol for every flu season? Accodring to Deborah Birx and Dr. Fauci, from the covid19 task force, who we see on the White House briefings everyday, they say yes, it is the new protocol. Will people who don’t wear a mask or who don’t stand 6 feet away be jailed and called murderers? According to governor Kate Brown of Oregon, yes we will be called murderers. Here’s the proof…
Oregon Governor Kate Brown gives us 1984 propaganda fear & guilt porn, yet top immunologist Dr. Fauci's journal is the exact opposite. We are being lied to. People die everyday for many reasons. This is Orwellian 1984 propaganda.
Are we going to be made into chattel? Will people be jailed if they don’t get a vaccine, when it’s their body and their choice? When my dad came to this country he and his family had to get physicals and get their health checked before entering the country or else they’d not be allowed in if they were sick, yet as of the last few years democrats want open borders no matter what diseases may be brought into the country, like tuberculosis. Funny that.
Covid19 Mind Control Part 1
Covid19 Mind Control Part 2
People die all the time from contagions and other causes, so why all the unconstitutional hype? Here’s why...
People die all the time from contagions and other causes, so why all the unconstitutional hype? Here’s why...
The mark of the beast bible prophecy tells that anybody who does not get the mark will not be able to buy, sell, or trade. Two possibilities here... If you don't get vaccinated, if you are a contagious person or not, because they want to continually test you, you might not be able to go into public to buy, sell or trade, OR if you don't have a microchip RFID on you as a tattoo or as an implant that proves you've been vaccinated, then you won't be able to buy, sell or trade. This is what is called the birthing pains of the tribulation. This is bible prophecy.
Bill Gates says,
“Melinda & I went all over the world.
We found that all the healthy people
don’t want kids,
and all the unhealthy people want kids.”
Utter Orweelian Nonsense
from a eugenics psychopath.
from a eugenics psychopath.
Michigan reopens without permission
by their governor who would not allow seeds,
paint, or U.S. flags to be sold.
God Bless We The People!
God Bless Our Liberty!
We Are The People!
Many politicians, including Biden
Michigan reopens without permission
by their governor who would not allow seeds,
paint, or U.S. flags to be sold.
God Bless We The People!
God Bless Our Liberty!
We Are The People!
Many politicians, including Biden
have called for a new world order.
Keep us as chattel,
like tagged beef cattle.
The Last American Vagabond Profile Page
Laura Ingraham asks Bill Barr
about Bill Gates vaccine ID.
CV19 Vaccine Won't Work
Keep us as chattel,
like tagged beef cattle.
Michigan Rises Up In Protest
The Last American Vagabond Profile Page
Laura Ingraham asks Bill Barr
about Bill Gates vaccine ID.
Thank GOD for Bill Barr.
I pray the Trump administration
is more than we'd hope for,
but you never truly know
until all has been said and done.
I pray the Trump administration
is more than we'd hope for,
but you never truly know
until all has been said and done.
Study proves that
coronavirus vaccine would never work;
might actually create MORE new viruses
through recombination in human hosts.
Hand Write This Letter
Print This Letter To Trump
If you want to try and fight forced vaccines and forced RFID, then go to this link and copy the letter or I can send you printed copies. I sent this same material to Christian TV stations in hopes that they concur and get people to flood the White House with the same letter demanding the right to... our body our choice, my body, my choice.
Print this letter or hand write this letter to the White House and have your friends and family send the same letter.
Letter To The White House
Documentary of doctors telling us the toxic chemicals in vaccines and families who's kids have been damaged or have died from vaccines.
Hi, I made this blog. I am a born again Christian. You can read about the 4 supernatural 3D visions of Jesus that I had over a period of 24 years at this link. Jesus is real.Kristy Testimony
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